The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem — Book Review

Imran Jattala
2 min readDec 14, 2019


Nathaniel Branden is regarded as father of Self-Esteem. In his groundbreaking book, The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem, Nathaniel Branden outlines the pillars that are essential to feel really great about yourself.

The term self-esteem is used to portray a person’s by and large sense of self-worth or personal esteem. Self-esteem isn’t a thought or can’t be acquired through a certification. It’s a learning journey and a life-long process. Nathaniel Branden has summarized into 6 great pillars:

  1. The Practice of Living Consciously

The best way to build self-esteem is to start the practice of living consciously— the first pillar of self-esteem. Branden writes that the practice of ‘Sentence Completion’ is a powerful tool for living more consciously. ‘Sentence Completion’ is basic however very effective technique for raising self-understanding, self-esteem and personal effectiveness.

2. The Practice of Self-Acceptance

Branden writes that, “The greatest crime we commit against ourselves is not that we may deny or disown our shortcomings, but that we deny and disown our greatness — because it frightens us.”

3. The Practice of Self-Responsibility

I am responsible. I like myself. I am responsible for my choices and actions. Taking responsibility of your actions, helps you build self-esteem.

4. The Practice of Self-Assertiveness

Bringing your true-self to work & life—to speak and act from your innermost convictions and feelings—leads to Self-Assertiveness — leading to Self-Actualization.

5. The Practice of Living Purposefully

“To live purposefully, is to use our powers for the attainment of goals we have selected: the goal of studying, of raising a family, of starting a new business, of solving a scientific problem, of building a vacation home, of sustaining a happy romantic relationship. It is our goals that lead us forward, that call on the exercise of our faculties, that energize our existence.” Branden writes.

6. The Practice of Personal Integrity

Do your ideals, convictions, standards, beliefs and behavior all line up?Without practicing personal integrity, the preceding practices disintegrate. “Integrity is the integration of ideals, convictions, standards, beliefs — and behavior,” writes Branden.

Here’s a great summary of, “The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem”

About the Author:

Imran Jattala is Changing World 🌍 100 Startups 💡🚀 per Year. He is Co-Founder of Center for Global Innovators. He Co-Founded meraPaisa an Islamabad based Impact FinTech Startup and UrbanBazaar a Dubai based e-Commerce Startup. He can be reached at: @ImJattala

The views and opinions expressed in this article/post are author’s and do not reflect the views of the companies &/or organization he work for &/or advise.



Imran Jattala

Startup & Innovation Ecosystem Builder | $500 Billion Innovation Economy by 2030 🇵🇰 | Changing World 🌍 100 Startups 💡🚀 per Year | Author 📘 Innovate Faster