Together Let’s #BuildPakistan
Pakistan Business Council report suggested that Developing countries like Pakistan need to have the manufacturing sector contribute at least 28 to 30% of the GDP before its share in the economy starts to decline. In Pakistan’s case the highest contribution of manufacturing in GDP was 14.8% in 2008, since then it has been in a constant decline, clocking in at 12.1% in 2018. Premature deindustrialization has led to a reduction in the contribution of exports in Pakistan’s GDP, it has also seen Pakistan lose its share in global trade. Competitor countries, however, are seeing an increase in global trade leading to an improvement in per-capita incomes and a general improvement in the lives of their citizens.
Pakistan is the Fifth largest Nation of 220M people, with 114M under the age of 25. Pakistan is the fifth largest young country in the world. Such a large young population has posed daunting challenges to the social, economic, and political sectors of the state. If Pakistan can transform this youth budge into a thriving Middle-Class of 122M by 2025 and with a consumer spending of $250B, Pakistan will be able to create Multi-Billion Dollar Markets. Thus, Pakistan can potentially be the next emerging Startup Hub.
Pakistan’s economic growth is projected to remain below potential, around 2 percent for FY22–23. High-Tech Exports are the key to Economic Transformation of a country. Pakistani Diaspora from around the Globe can stimulate Pakistan’s transition to Innovation Economy. #BuildPakistan is the platform to bring industry, academia, and government leaders together. The purpose of #BuildPakistan initiative by Innovators Garage (IG) is to contribute to delivering meaningful economic transformation by empowering, connecting, and equipping Pakistani Govt, Corporates & Academia. The goal is to bring together corporates, investors, innovators, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders, with the singular purpose of increasing High-Tech Exports from Pakistan.
Innovation and entrepreneurship are needed to transform economies — to build the likes of Silicon Valley — the greatest creation of wealth in human history. China lifted 800M+ people out of poverty in the last 4 decades, through Innovation and entrepreneurship. China is producing 50,000+ startups each month. In 2019 China was ahead of US with 206 Unicorn 🦄 startups.
In year 1800: Subcontinent was 27% of the Global GDP- missed the industrialization wave but 4th Industrial Revolution brings unprecedented opportunities in the form of Digital Entrepreneurship & Innovation Economy. Land of Indus Valley forming modern-day Pakistan has been a prominent cradle of civilizations. Unicorn seals were first discovered in Harappa & Mohenjo-Daro. Gandhara civilization existed from 2000 BC to 1000 BC spread across Taxila, Peshawar, Swat valley and World’s first known university was at Taxila, the learning center of Buddhism.
#BuildPakistan is a Triple Helix Model of Innovation platform bridging Industry, Academia, and Government leaders. #BuildPakistan will project Pakistani Soft-Power, in the areas of:
🚀 Innovation Economy, Startups & Investments
🚀 High-Tech Exports from Pakistan
At Innovators Garage (IG) our mission is: To Make Pakistan a Top-50 Innovative Nation with a $500B Innovation Economy by 2030 🚀
shikva-e-zulmat-e-shab se to kahīñ behtar thā
apne hisse kī koī sham.a jalāte jaate
شکوۂ ظلمت شب سے تو کہیں بہتر تھا
اپنے حصے کی کوئی شمع جلاتے جاتے
Goal for #BuildPakistan is to bring a High-Tech Exports boom of 400% in Pakistan like Vietnam achieved in the previous decade. Stay tuned for more details.
Together Let’s #BuildPakistan
About the Author: Imran Jattala is Co-Founder of Innovators Garage (IG) and Project Director, National Incubation Center for Aerospace Technologies (NICAT). He tweets at: ImJattala
Originally published at